DownloadsAbout WCA
WCA Site Update

The WCA site has a new look to finally match the rest of livingtheslolife.net. The downloads section has all previous versions of WCA available for download. The F.A.Q. section has yet to be updated but I will be working on that soon.



WCA 1.2 now available for download!

Sorry I haven't been working on WCA lately. My new job has me beat. Anyway, for those of you who have been having issues uploading comics and getting an error message about image/pjpeg hopefully this will get rid of that.


WCA1.1 Quick fix 3

Yet another quick fix! I'm going for a record.. Just kidding.

This fixes a problem with the archive dropdown and a few minor bits of code that wasted resources causing major slow downs for sites.

Note: I am not the original writer of the code being modified with this fix. I inherited this issue and I just found it.

Hit the Download section today and fix this before it's a problem for you!

Don't forget to visit our Forums and sign up on our user list and link page! BTW this is not for a mailing list or any other annoyance. It is strickly a link exchange and letting me know who all is using WCA. Plus the Forum is a great place for your comments, questions, and requests!

WCA1.1 Quick fix 2

Just found a HUGE problem with my code for HideMe. This is a VERY important fix please go to the download section and install it ASAP esspecially if you are using HideMe! This bug created a huge drain on bandwidth. Do not put this off.

Thank you.
Sorry for the inconveniance.

WCA1.1 Quick fix

a quickfix is available for wca 1.1 it fixes the issue with displaying the comic title. just download the zip and upload the new comicConfig.php file to your server and all will be well.


Join Our User List and Link Page!!

Visit The Forum and sign up for our user list and link page!

Let us know who you are and where to find your comic. Not only will signing up help you by adding your site to our links page but you will help WCA by letting us know that there are people putting it to good use. You can also help spread the word about WCA to other webcomic creators by adding our button to your display pages.


Important Change in 1.1 concerning Passwords

For those of you who already were using 1.0 there is a difference in the passwords used. the Admin password now only works on the settings page. for posting news, uploading comics and titling comics the comic password is used. the comic password is the former news password, so you don't have to change anything. Just take note of which password is asked for when submiting anything.

Thankyou, and I hope this doesn't effect anyone in a negative way.


1.1 Released!

Ladies and gentlemen,
WebComic Administrator 1.1 is now available for download!

New Features! New Look! New Version Number!

Get it NOW!

Visit the download page to get version 1.1 today!

Work on 1.1 Begun

I've started the programming of version 1.1!

WebComic Administrator 1.1
Current List of additional Features:

News Control panel: Post News:
• Advanced self dating feild. Will allow for time of post as well as date.

News Control Panel: Edit News:
• Display all news posts from latest to earliest with edit link above each.
• Upon clicking an edit link page will refresh to show that post in a form for editing.
• Only post title and text can be edited.
• Ability to delete news posts.
• Requires news password for submital

Comic Control panel: Gallery View:
• Ability to delete issues.

Comic Control panel: List View:
• Ability to delete issues.

If there are other features you would like to have available please let me know.


Web Site Up

The WCA Web site is now up!

Not too much going on there but there is the download section which will make life easy when I release fixes or new versions.

FAQ has yet to be populated but I'll be working on that in the next few days.
Besides, so far I haven't gotten that many questions about WCA yet. Any Questions, comments, suggestions, money, marriage proposals and hot females are always welcome. Just click my name in the post header for my email.


Quick Note

If you are currently using WCA and are having problems setting your password, titles, or any other settings, the way to fix it is CHMOD the variables.php and titles.php files to 0666. Also if you are experiencing this problem you will also need to CHMOD your news and comic folders to either 0666 or 0777. 0666 Should do it though.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


1.0 Quick Fix

Hey all,

I caught a problem with my display code. it's been fixed and is available for download Here

Just replace your current panels.php with the one in the quick fix.

If you've downloaded WC Administrator 1.0 after the date of this post don't worry about this you have a good version.


1.0 Released!

WOO! 1.0 is out. And if you are reading this you already know because you're using it. Congrats and thanks for downloading!
